Tuesday 5 February 2013

Connecting the PCB circuit & Battery & Servo

The bottom view of the PCB circuit 
There is a connector to connect from PCB circuit to the Battery. We also use the wire clip to to prevent the wire from being too messy.
View of PCB circuit and Battery being connected together

This is how it look after both the PCB circuit and the Battery is connected

How it look like after the 3 Component have been connected together

We also connect up the Servo to present how the whole thing will look like.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Modification to our servo bracket

Servo bracket Before modification
Servo  bracket After modification

Servo bracket screwed on to the side of the Drawer beside the lock

We made modification to the servo bracket. Instead on using double sided tape to tape the bracket onto the drawer , we make the bracket longer so that we can screw in the holder.
The servo bracket was also placed just nice so there will be no obstruction when the arm axle turn.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Wire clips and Battery compartment

Wire clips
We made these wire clips to neatly hold the wires on the surface of the drawer interior. Without these, the wires would be in a mess and may be damaged when the drawer is in use.
Image of Battery Holder firmly glue on to the Drawer 
This show the battery compartment after it has been glue to the drawer. We also use the wire clip to hold up the wires so that it wont be messy and dangling around .

Friday 25 January 2013

Uses of Ribbon in the Battery Case

To simplify the battery removal process, a ribbon was glued together on the battery casing. To remove the batteries, pulling the ribbon and it will eject them. 
Before the battery has been pull out
Last battery remaining before pulling out just by easily pulling the ribbon 

The picture above show us how the battery can be easily remove ,  just by pulling the ribbon.

Battery Holder place on the Drawer with battery and cover

Before the Process
Each component is place neatly before the process
2 of the component is glue together using insta-flex+-
The component is glue together using insta-flex+- and chip to hold them firmly

After the glue has dry up , the battery cover will be place in the middle  and glued up
& Finally~~

Battery Holder with Battery and Cover nicely glue onto the Drawer

Thank to Mr Khiew, he help us on design and cut the "smiley face" battery cover using LPKF rapid prototyping milling machine. The "mouth slot" is for user to pull up the cover easily in order to replace a new battery. The picture above show the complete assembly of the battery compartment.

Mounting on Battery case to the Battery Holder (Without Battery)

Battery Case Mounted on the Battery Holder
We use hot glue to glue the battery case as hot glue is faster and stronger. The ribbon inside the battery case is there so that the battery can be easily pull out with ease.

How Battery Holder Look like Part by Part

Battery Holder Frame

Support for the Battery

Holder for the Slide Cover

After Every Component has been glue together 
This show how the battery holder look like before everything is assemble together